Sunday, 22 February 2009

Evaluation of Magazine front cover and contents page

To evaluate my work on the front cover and contents page I will look at what steps I did to creating it.

First of all for my front cover my brief was to create a magazine front page that had a medium shot of a student, but before this I had to come up with a college based theme for the magazine, I had a few concept ideas but finally settled on a college basketball magazine.I drew up a concept for on how I wanted it to look including specific things like the masthead, border and pictures. Once I had this ready I would use it as a reference when creating the real thing. I then set about acquiring pictures for the front page, this actually turned out to be difficult to do, so I improvised using myself as the model with a basket ball. I then compared the images with my mock up, I realized I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted it so decided to make a few changes and improvements. I used Photoshop mainly to help manipulate the image and create the cover, this turned out well. If I was to do this area again I would most likely change the theme of the magazine and look into a other areas for a broader opportunity to develop my front cover.

For the contents page mock up I wanted it to be easily definable and keeping to the theme of the front cover, the main idea for this outlook is that if it came to making the real contents page I would know the necessary areas of content I would put in the page.

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